Compostable Bags

Our Compostable bags have the basic ingredient granulate made from renewable plant resource corn starch, rather than oil and it is opposed to petroleum ingredient. It sounds too good to be true — a bag made from corn starch that breaks down with food waste and leaves no remnant plastic to make its way into the oceans. Bags that are of the compostable kind are the best alternatives to the plastic menace. These are cost-effective, reusable and help in converting the waste from home and kitchen into fertilizers. After a happy Shopping these bags can be composed to be a food waste.

These bags fit large volumes of compostable waste up -to 360 liters ad are ideal to convert trash into useful manure. These bags decompose due to the activity of microbes which feed on the contents of the bag and the compostable bag itself. By using compostable bags , we give the best back to nature as they are nature’s best friend and do not require any other extra elements to initiate the composting process. Microorganisms devour on the compost pile converting them to rich manure.

Characteristics of our compostable bags

  • Strong and durable
  • Fine design to aid composting
  • Aesthetically designed for better look, feel and function
  • Environmental – friendly
  • Standard – ISO 17088
  • Compostable and Biodegraded in 90 – 150 days.
  • Best Price

These compostable bags are Categorized:

  • Shopping Bags
  • Carrying Fruit &Vegetable Bags
  • Disposing food Waste Bags
  • Garbage trash Bags
  • Event Bags
  • Retail Bags

In a nutshell; although the terms biodegradable and compostable are often used interchangeably, these are the differences between compostable and biodegradable bags:

That undergoes degradation by biological processes during composting to yield CO2, water, inorganic compounds and biomass at a rate consistent with other compostable materials and leaves no visible, distinguishable or toxic residue. That undergoes degradation resulting from the action of naturally occurring microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi and algae. There is no reference to the exact amount of time needed for degradation or the type of physical and chemical quality attributes of the end product.
Compostable materials are similar to biodegradable materials, as they are both intended to return to the earth safely. However, compostable materials go one step further by providing the earth with nutrients once the material has completely broken down. These materials are added to compost piles, which are designated sites with specific conditions dependent on wind, sunlight, drainage and other factors. Biodegradable refers to the ability of materials to break down and return to nature. In order for packaging products or materials to qualify as biodegradable, they must completely break down and decompose into natural elements within a short time after disposal – typically a year or less.
Compostable products break down into non-toxic components during commercial composting process thereby enriching the soil The ability to biodegrade within landfills helps to reduce the buildup of waste, contributing to a safer, cleaner and healthier environment.